Saturday, December 6, 2014

Grimm "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas" Episode Review

Huzzah!  The Christmas episode is upon us!  And nothing says "Happy Holidays" like juvenile delinquency.  I couldn't help getting nostalgic feelings for all of the  "tiny things coming to get you" movies of the 80's and 90's--Gremlins, Critters, Ghoulies, Puppet Master, etc.  Not a particularly interesting plot, but the execution was fun enough to watch.  I always like the little bits of "Wesen science" world-building stuffs they slip in from time to time--in this case, the rarity of Kallikantzaroi Syndrome being compared to Tay-Sachs and, as the Indole Gentile dad turns toward Hank, "like sickle-cell anemia in African-Americans."  And Hank's all, "Oh, now I get it."  

By the way, how does one have the "You may or may not turn into a Christmas Goblin" talk with their child?  Also, how do you have the "I may or may not have bashed your child's face in with a frying pan" talk with that child's parents?  I would've liked to have seen at least a little throwaway line from Juliette or Rosalee along the lines of "whoops," or something.  If you still have the episode on your DVR, play back all the scenes and witness the horrific child abuse taking place.  Kudos to David Giuntoli for his completely straight delivery of the line, "Got any fruitcake?" as he walks up to a fruitcake truck.  Yet another excellent piece of world-building from the creative team: a strange alternate reality where fruitcake is in such demand that someone could have a successful fruitcake truck business.  Can't wait for the Candy Corn Emporium to appear in the next Halloween episode.  

Speaking of that, the caper is finally solved with what could be the most ill-conceived plan of all time.  You could either: A) inform all the Indole Gentile parents that their kids might be publicly morphing into evil Hobbits so that they could all be privately contained and fed fruitcake in some secret room somewhere, or B) create a public spectacle and lead the kids out the FRONT OF THE CHURCH with cake crumbs that lead to a spectacularly conspicuous fruitcake truck.  

In another thread, we have the adventures of Trubel and Josh the Boy Wonder.  From this pairing we get wonderful buddy chemistry between Jacqueline Toboni and Lucas Near-Verbrugghe (I giggled at Trubel maternally moving Josh's hand away from the dangerous weapons), two weenie jokes and some more information about the Wesen Skinheads.  Apparently, some loose-lipped bonehead, possibly in full knowledge of the existence of these racist groups, posted Blutbad/Fuchsbau wedding pics on his Facebook page and figured whoever didn't like it would just get over it.

Blabbermouth: Hey, you're not gonna throw a brick through their window 'cause I told you that, are you?

Blabbermouth's Racist Friend: No, of course not, that would be silly.  Where would I even find a brick at this time of day?

Blabbermouth: I dunno...the hardware store?

Blabbermouth's Racist Friend: [getting out a pen and paper] Which hardware store?

After their little investigation, Josh decides to go back home, and Trubel decides to go with him.  We'll either be checking in on them sporadically a la Adalind in Austria, or we'll check on them way later, like Nick's mom and Adalind's baby.  It'd be cool to see a couple of Trubel-centric Philly episodes in the future.  Grimm East, anyone?  

So, Juliette is preggers--which would normally be good news, except she might have been Adalind at the time of conception.  Which begs the question, as put forth by Melissa McCarthy in The Heat: What's gonna come poppin' out?  Another Hexenbaby?  Maybe it'll be part Grimm, part Hexenbiest--a super-cool thing whose full coolness would have to be realized in flash-forward: a cloaked figure, roaming the streets of future Portland, telekinetically dispatching evil Wesen.  Then again, Adalind's baby is doing some pretty cool things in baby form, so maybe not.  Either way, the royals will probably be interested in that too, and we can weave another thread into our giant ball of plot yarn. 

Monroe and Rosalee are finally going on their honeymoon.  Will the Secundum Ordinem E Pluribus Unum follow them to Tahiti or wherever?  What of the ominous portent of the fallen model train?  Time will tell.  For now, according to the preview, we can look forward to a visit from El Chupacabra and Wu possibly being brought into the fold.  Methinks he might not be as receptive as Hank--especially when Wu realizes that Nick and Hank allowed him to be institutionalized to protect their secret.  


"Kallikantzaroi" is one of the most fun Wesen words since "Unbezahlbar."

I feel like I haven't seen Rosalee's adorable woge in quite some time.  

Hey, remember that Juliette is a veterinarian?  We were pleasantly reminded of this as she drugged and caged a child.

In a post-9/11 world, who takes a giant, anonymously delivered box into their home and puts it under the Christmas tree?

When the Indole Gentile mom woged, I was like, "Beat THEM peepers, Juliette!"

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